+ 广告创意33式


1、没文案就是最好的文案 without words 2、要混更要配 mixing and matching 3、放一起,比一比 comparative juxtaposition 4、从量变到质变 repetition and accumulation 5、夸张必到极点 exaggeration 6、颠倒顺序试试看 turn it right around 7、无,即是大有 omission and suggestion 8、似是而非,眼见非实 paradoxes and optical illussions 9、激将法和震慑法 provocation and shock tactics 10、开时间的玩笑 playing with time 11、换个角度看问题 a change of perspective 12、冷嘲热讽不过分 spoofs and parodies 13、标志符号要用好 symbols and signs 14、放马过来玩一玩 come and play 15、看看谁的故事讲得好 telling stories 16、不疯魔,不成活 absurd,surreal,bizarre 17、专做字面文章 take it literally 18、创造产品百变神话 change the product 19、为它找个替身 alternative uses 20、语带双关话中话 double meanings 21、玩弄文字游戏 play with words 22、文字做先锋 in the beginning was the word 23、解构是创意门匙 reframing:a key to creative thinking 24、找相似,打比喻 metaphor and analogy 25、打破你的条条框框 break out of the frame 26、使用非常规媒体 alternative media 27、编个好玩的笑话 structuring jokes 28、建构是为了解构 a practical guide to joke-making:constructing and disrupting frames of reference 29、语不惊人死不休 developing punchlines 30、妙语新编戏说 adapting and using existing punchlines 31、黑色幽默要够黑 make the most of black humour 32、随意幽默戏剧性 unintentional humour and situation comedy 33、来点带荤又何妨 blue humour
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